Starting your Bathroom Renewal Project

You’re about to remodel a bathroom? Great! Like most people, you’ve been looking around, and wondering where to start. We’d like to help. There are so many decisions to make, and we can make the process easier. We know it can be overwhelming, so we’d love to help!


Where do you start? There are many good options, but in a bathroom, many of those options are, well, shall we just say, better saved for other rooms in your house. Kitchen floors sometimes get wet, even if it is just a little splash, Cleanup is a challenge, so you’re going to want something that cleans up easily. Vinyl Planking at Home Depot Vinyl Planking at Lowe’s

Ceramic and Vinyl tiles are good options, and it depends on your own preference. You might also consider vinyl planking, but make sure you’re getting vinyl instead of vinyl laminate. Vinyl laminate is typically less expensive, and fine for rooms that don’t have heavy moisture. Avoid laminated planking in kitchen and bathrooms. Here’s where you can look for options in floor tiles: Home Depot | Lowe’s


Once any major structural changes have been made and any repairs are completed, it’s time to make some decisions. Some of our selections change over time, so it can be a good idea to make selections that are easily changed in a few years. That means there are some simple things to consider:

  • Use textures sparingly. A textured wall can fill some needs, but remember that changing to a different finish might be more labor intensive. Swirled plaster used to be very popular, but finishing your entire room with this technique is something to think carefully about.
  • Paneling. Again, this isn’t seen a lot anymore, but it might be a solution for you. check out some of the latest options at Lowe’s or Home Depot
  • Wallpaper. This is something that goes in and out of popularity There are many options for this as well, but typically you’ll find more variety at specialty shops, vs better prices at Lowe’s and Home Depot


The most economical choice for finishing your kitchen ceiling is to paint. You’ll be able to comprehend the cost factor in that approach, but it isn’t always the best solution. If you’re looking for something more exotic, or if you are going for a bigger change and showpiece, it might be worthwhile to dream about some other ceiling options. We can tell you which of these would work in your particular kitchen, and we’d love to dialog with you about how to make them happen! Dream here


When you want to move excess water or just humidity, making sure the vents are correct will help. Some solutions come with automatic fans (for example, a microwave. We’ll be glad to help with this as well.

Lighting and Electrical

A broad range of options is available, and again, it’s a good idea to start by looking for options. We can help you find fixtures that fit the overall look your going for, but typically, people have already looked and come up with a few things they’d like to try. Here are links to Home Depot And Lowe’s for their lighting options.


There are many options including stone and concrete, but if you’re looking to have a more affordable option while making sure it fits your décor, you’ll find a lot of alternatives by local vendors. Home Depot Counters | Lowe’s Counters


While the primary purpose of a backsplash is to protect the wall above the sink, that’s not the only place to use them. This is a matter of personal choice. Also, you can choose to match the countertop, or to accent it with a variety of available options. To facilitate your thinking, take a look at Home Depot and Lowe’s backsplashes.

Colors and Textures

We aren’t stupid; we’re going to defer to your own personal taste here! Once you’ve made those choices though, we’re here to help you make it all happen! We recommend Sherwin Williams paint. Home Depot Paint Department | Lowe’s Paint Department

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