10 Tips on Choosing the Right Kitchen Sink

You know those guys who say “everything but the kitchen sink?” Well, we’re going to address that sink! I remember this sink well. But unless you have a country-style home, you’re probably wanting to upgrade. Here are our tips to help in the process.

10. Acrylic for Economy, but not for the cook in your life.

You can find inexpensive acrylic sinks for less than $100.00. This is a good option for people that rarely spend time in the kitchen, and they can look quite nice. BUT. Let’s say you want to cook a pot of pasta, and then drain it into the sink. WARNING! unless you are also running water from the faucet into the sink simultaneously and draining your pasta slowly, you can MELT THE ACRYLIC. That’s a danger that should be avoided, and the occasional cook that forgets that concept is going to be very frustrated with the result. You need to consider your lifestyle before deciding an acrylic sink is right for you. If you really want the economy of acrylic, read the packaging carefully! Some acrylic sinks have safeguards to prevent this, but you need to look for that information!

9. Stainless Steel comes in different gauges, or thicknesses.

The thicker the stainless steel sink, the better. The thickness of the sink ranges from around 14 to 20, with a lower number being better. If you get the thinner stainless, at 20-gauge, every time you put something into the sink it will sound tinny and cheap. It’s worth it to get at least 18 gauge, with 14 being even better. It will cost more, and that difference is well worth it.

8. You’ll spend a lot of time in front of that kitchen sink, so pick one you’ll really enjoy.

The people that care about this the most need to be considered, because it can be very aggravating to get a sink you’re not happy with. It’s not something you want to have to change again soon. Take the whole picture into account. It’s not always a matter of economy. The time you spend there is a big factor. If you order out, or eat in restaurants a lot of the time, this may not be such a big deal. But trust us: if you are having a household debate about which sink to get, you should opt for that opinion that wants the better selection. Better over price is a good choice here.

7. Make sure you check out various options before making your purchase.

These are days of innovation, and conventional options may or may not be what would bring you joy. It’s worth discovering what is out there. Start with the internet! Once you see a few options that catch your eye, then you can go to the local stores and get particulars answered. We’re glad to help with advice, but this is an area where your personal lifestyle and preferences are key. We’ll just help steer you away from any pitfalls we may have experienced.

6. Your sink choice should reflect your other kitchen features, like the sink base and cabinetry

If you’re going to be using your existing sink base, that’s going to affect your decision. It doesn’t necessarily have to limit your choices, but it’s something to take into account. You already know not to put an art-deco style sink into a country-style manor, but there are other subtleties that may not be immediately apparent, and would end up with a regrettable installation. Check and double-check. Get other advice. We’d be happy to help in that process!

5. Double versus Single? What do you think?

This is almost certainly subject to two factors: How do you plan to use your sink, and how much room do you have. The cost is usually not that much different, so you should confidently make your decision based on those two factors.

4. What about those cool glass-rinsing features?

Those are add-on features that can be nice, but not necessary. If you are health-conscious, and think that would be a nice feature, they don’t take up a lot of room, and are actually fairly inexpensive All you do is hold your glass bottom-up and press it down onto the rinser, and you’re done. The water flows right into the sink. I wonder if children would have way too much fun with this…

3. Is my sink on the island or against the wall?

This will actually play a huge factor. Island sinks usually have hidden edges that install below the countertop. They are usually single-basin sinks, but certainly can accommodate the double-basin. The size of your counter will play a major role in your decision. Of course, Backsplash panels are not necessary or recommended!

2, Cleanup and Scratch resistance are factors.

You’ll be able to get this information towards the end of your sink selection, and most mid- to upper-range sinks will provide that information. If you can’t find information on that from the manufacturer or packaging, ask for some help! Those factors are selling points, and if you can’t get the information, choose another model.

1. Do the “How Long Before I regret it?” Test

You’ve seen people driving those cars that make you wonder, “How in the world does someone think that [color or model] makes sense? I wonder how long they owned it before regretting it? But there again, it’s a matter of personal taste. No matter what you choose, you should try to answer that question. Will you regret choosing the one you bought, rather than the one you really wanted? What are the reasons you made the decision, and was it a close-enough decision that you should have gone with a different option? Not to provoke a household fight or anything, but have that discussion before making your purchase!

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